
How We Use Protective Surveillance To Keep Our Clients Safe

Surveillance services are not a one-size-fits-all job for a private investigator or professional security. As with everything we do here at Reveles Intelligence Group in San Antonio, we make a custom plan to fit our client’s needs.

For every client, the situation and threat level will vary, and this is especially true of high-net-worth individuals, VIPs, and celebrities. One way that we keep these types of clients safe is by utilizing protective surveillance. Continue reading to learn more and if you’re in need of professional security in San Antonio, contact Reveles Intelligence Group.


What Is Protective Surveillance?

Protective surveillance is a way of watching the client and monitoring the area for potential threats. The objective of protective surveillance is to identify hostile through counter surveillance, behavioral analysis, and risk assessment in order to notify the close protection team to take action to protect the client.

We utilize protective surveillance because hostels also utilize surveillance to plan their attack. Protective surveillance allows us to dynamically assess and counter-surveillance activity and anticipate/prevent a potential attack such as kidnapping or murder.

Protective Surveillance Vs. Close Protection

Protective surveillance is not the same as close protection, but a protective surveillance team will assist a close protection team in their duties. Although some close protection teams will carry out anti-surveillance, a close protection team simply cannot carry out the high-level protective surveillance that a specialized surveillance team can.

Counter Surveillance Vs. Protective Surveillance

There are multiple ways to approach surveillance, and it’s important to understand the differences between counter and protective surveillance. Counter surveillance is when a third party team is used to identify whether an individual is the target of surveillance efforts. A counter-surveillance team will utilize multiple methods of surveillance, including physical and technological surveillance, to determine whether their client is being surveilled.

Protective surveillance, on the other hand, carries out counter-surveillance as just one of its roles. Along with surveillance skills, a trained protective surveillance team will be able to react to threats, if necessary, and to break cover if required to protect the best interests of the client.

When Should Protective Surveillance Be Utilized?

Protective surveillance is best used for individuals who are at high risk of kidnap or attack. Often a blend of protection techniques, such as close protection and hostile surveillance detection, is also appropriate. Protective surveillance must always be used in conjunction with close protection, as any information that the surveillance team acquires must be used by the close protection team to protect the client.

When the Reveles Intelligence Group team works with a high-risk client, we are proactive, not reactive. Protective surveillance allows us to catch potential problems before they become a risk to the safety of the clients. Identifying threats as easily as possible is essential to ensuring that the close protection team has enough time to react. Aggressive forces have the advantage of surprise, but protective surveillance takes that upper hand away from them. Protective surveillance identifies the threat early, communicates with the people providing close protection, and intercepts the attack.

Reveles Intelligence Group San Antonio

Our mission in everything we do is safety, security, and professionalism. Nate Lee, our founder, is a veteran and served overseas in Afghanistan performing private security operations. We are a member of the United States Association of Professional Investigators, the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators, and the Better Business Bureau.

When you choose to hire our team to perform close protection services or protective surveillance, you’ll be able to put our 15 years of industry and real-world experience to work for you. Contact us today to get started.